Misunderstood the work of a boss
I want to share experiences to all readers of my blog. Special experience today when I meet my friends. As a friend I had not seen, so very happy to see each other again and asked about the news and so on.
There is one question that motivated me to write on this blog, when he asked me what my activity? Because his condition was joking, I replied that I enjoy my life to relax, eat, drink and rest at home.
Then he replied seriously, "Wow, you now have become the boss?". I just smiled and I thought, whether the work or the bustle of a boss is like I say that is just relaxing, drinking soft drinks, eat well, and so on.
I often come across people with minds that were done a boss is like that. So many people who want to be the boss, because they could be relaxed in her life. Many people are able to get the boss because without a deadline job, without getting specific target, and can be enjoyed without having to work because it already has a lot of money.
Well maybe they were wrong in looking at the work of a boss. You need to know that the term often used for a boss who occupy a leading position within a company or organization. Well, from that let us understand about a real leader.
A leader in the organization or company is a person who works to determine the direction of a company or organization. If you understand the purpose of determining the actual direction is very deep and a lot of work to be done. For example strategic planning company or organization, then how to handle the competition with a rival company, how the company's future development, how to solve solve the problem employee, what if there is a problem of law and so on.
Actually, a boss or a leader in your company or organization has a lot of work to be done properly and quickly. In fact they should be willing to sleep less than 5 hours in the day to complete the work and the problems facing the company or organization.
Although there are bosses or leaders of companies or organizations that have specialized staff in each field, but the decision-maker is the leader or the boss. Being a boss or leader of a company or organization should not be mistaken in taking decisions, because when specifying a wrong decision will have an impact on the decline and destruction of the company or organization.
Moreover, being a boss or leader must be able to provide examples of good behavior to its employees. Just imagine if the boss or the leader of a company or organization that has properties lazy, do not want to work hard. Which they did just relaxed, feet placed on a table while smoking or eating French fries, his life was spent for fun. If a boss or a leader like that, then what will happen to the employees?
The first is the impact of such behavior can be carried out also by its employees. Then, because the conditions are like that, then they are not productive to carry out each job. Even as it has a lazy nature, eventually a lot of work that is not done. This will result in deterioration or destruction of the company or organization.
From the brief description can be taken a lesson that the higher the position or our position, the responsibilities and tasks that will also be more severe. So if you want to be the boss or the leader of a company or organization, must be ready to risk a heavier responsibility which can not be done with laziness. To achieve this it can not just be done with lazy, because lazy will lead to destruction.
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